Updated Forms and Calculations
All forms have been updated to current specifications. Plus the calculation for Medicare now handles the new Additional Medicare Wages
Side by Side Comparison
Prior year data can now be displayed in a window next to your current year data. This will enable you to see exactly what was entered last year. This feature is unique and as far as we can tell only offered by us.
Advanced Diagnostics
You can now run a diagnostics report which will scrutinize your data and pick up anything unusual which may need to be investigated. Items such as invisible embedded characters imported from Excel, missing information, possible invalid data, etc...
Improved Look & Feel
Larger fonts and larger windows are now utilized by the program. You can choose which font/size you like.
Electronic filing extensions
Now you can batch file your extensions for electronic filing
Electronic Filing Password Change
Every year IRS/SSA forces you to change your login passwords to their sites. Unfortunately, many of us forget to do this. The program now prompts you to change your password upon initial login for the year.
Encrypted PDF's
PDFs generated by the program can now be secured with a password for more secure distribution.
Improved Help System
We have made some Help videos along with moving the entire help system to our website.
Forms added to standard laser engine
Forms added to the program
944 and 945
Document Manager
Any Document can be attached to any payor. Useful for keeping track of information sent to you by your client.
Recently accessed Data Folders
The system will now keep a list of the 5 most recently accessed data folders.
Bulk TIN Matching |
A file can now be generated for uploading to the IRS system which will match up the taxpayer ID#'s that you have and verify their accuracy. |
Bulk TIN Matching |
A file can now be generated for uploading to the IRS system which will match up the taxpayer ID#'s that you have and verify their accuracy. |
Service Bureau Available |
Use our Service Bureau if you don't have the time to print/mail/file. |
and much more…