Transmittal Letters and Bills
The W-2/1099 Filer software is capable of producing Transmittal Letters and Bills for you to send to your clients.
You will be presented with a screen that has a pull-down list of payors at the top. The payor highlighted in this list will be used to provide information to the transmittal letters or bills which serve as a template. You can pull down this list to change payors. It should automatically start with the last payor that was being worked on.
On the left at the bottom is a list of available templates divided into 2 categories: Transmittals or Bills. We have provided you with a couple of sample letters and bills. You can easily add to this list. A sample of the letter/bill is shown to the right of this list.
When changing a letter/bill template, you are presented with a mini word processor. There are certain embedded tokens within the template that are used as merge fields. The information from the payor is automatically placed in there.
Replaceable Tokens (merge codes surrounded by <>) are used and must be spelled EXACTLY as they are. The following tokens taken from the Owner Information entered for the program:
<Your Company Name>
<Your Street Address>
<Your City / State / Zip>
<Your Telephone Number>
<Your Email Address>
<Your Contact Name>
The following tokens are taken from the Payor file:
<Contact Name>
<Company Name>
<Mailing Address>
The remaining tokens are:
<Tax Year>
<Paper Due Date>
To print a transmittal:
1. Highlight a template on the left
2. Click on the button at the bottom which says "Merge and then Print"
You will see a screen appear with your template in it and you will see the tokens being replaced. You can then edit the merged template.