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Report Preview


The preview can be controlled by either using a mouse, or using the keyboard.  The keyboard functions supported by the preview are as follows: 


Zoom/Normal      <Space>


Pressing the SpaceKey toggles the display between Normal and Zoomed mode.  The cursor will appear as a magnifying glass with a "minus sign" when the image is in Zoomed mode, or with a "plus sign" when the image is in "normal" mode.  If using a mouse, placing the cursor over the part of the page to be zoomed in on, then clicking the Left mouse button will cause the preview to zoom in on that part of the page.


Scrolling        <UpKey,DownKey,LeftKey,RightKey>


Scrolling of the preview can be accomplished by using the "cursor" keys to shift the display Up,Down, Left, and Right.


Display Menu   <CtrlM>


Pressing this key will "pop-up" a Menu of available functions.  Simply select the desired function and press Enter, or press the key corresponding to the underlined letter of the desired function.  Note that only the available functions are listed on the menu.  For example, if you are currently displaying the first  page of the report,  the Previous Page and First Page menu items will not be available.


After selecting a function from the menu, the menu will disappear.  To escape from the menu without making a selection, press the EscKey until the Menu option disappears.


As an alternative to using the pop-up menu, you can use the "hot keys" defined below.  


Full Width    <AltW>

Causes the report to be viewed full width.  That is, it is stretched , or compressed, so the the full width of the report is visible.  This is the initial view presented by the preview.


Full Height      <AltH>

Causes the report to be viewed full height.  That is, it is stretched , or compressed, so the the full height of the report is visible.


Zoom Percent      <AltZ>

Sets the percent of magnification used to display the preview when it is in Zoomed Mode.  Use the Shift+DownKey to drop down the preset selections (then press Shift+Up/DownKey to select the desired value), or type the desired zoom percent.


First Page      <CtlPgUp>

Displays the first page of the report.


Previous Page      <PageUp>

Displays the previous page of the report.


Next Page      <PageDown>

Displays the next page of the report.


Last Page      <CtlPgDn>

Displays the last page of the report.


Print This Page      <Alt1>

Prints the currently displayed page of the report.  The currently specified number of copies will be printed to the currently selected printer.


Page Number      <AltA>

Allows you to select the page number to be displayed.


Pages to Print      <AltS>

Used to specify the pages to be printed if/when the Print button is pressed.  Enter the desired page number(s) to be printed using the syntax:  1-3, 5, 7, 10-15


Text Out      <AltT>

When the Ascii Output option is selected in the UnivReport dialog, and the Button on Preview option is chosen, this button will be visible.  This button causes the report to be output to an Ascii file.


Print Report      <AltP>

Prints the entire report (or only those pages specified in the Pages to Print prompt).  Unless inhibited by the UnivReport dialog options, a printer dialog will be displayed when the print option is chosen.


Number of Copies      <AltC>

Indicate the number of copies to be printed when either of the print options above are selected.  Use the Shift+UpKey and Shift+DownKey to make your selection, or simply type the desired number of copies.


Exit      <AltX>

Exits the preview with out printing the report.  Note that if Ascii output was requested, it will NOT be created if the report is exited without printing.